Monday, September 24, 2018

September 25, 26, 27

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September 25

1.  Warm-up:  Woosh, Bang, Pow, builds and focuses on energy, commitment and pacing

2. Criterion B reflection

Name of warm-up:  Woosh, Bang, Pow
Purpose: builds and focuses on energy, commitment and pacing
What did you learn?
How can it help you with your acting?

What makes a good story?  p. 124
3.  Read the text
4.  Activity:  What makes a story a story?
     Follow the instructions and complete the activity.  Work in pairs or groups of 3.

September 26
1.  Point of view p. 125
2.  Activity:  Who is telling the story?
     Follow the instructions and complete the activity.  Work in pairs or groups of 3.

September 27

EasyBib (

Criterion A - Research and Assessment

1.  Open a Word document
2.  Type your name at the top left
3.  Title the document   Storytelling   Criterion A - Knowing and Understanding 
4.  Conduct the following research:
  1. What is storytelling?  (write 3-4 sentences using your own words)
  2.  Storytelling in different cultures  (various European, African, North American, Middle American, South American, Asian and Australian cultures. Could include Japan, Russia, Native American, Middle East, etc. 
  • Research storytelling in your culture and give a brief introduction in your own words. (1 paragraph)
  •  Research and choose 1 story from your culture.  Write the name of the story and give a brief summary. Look for myths and legends in your culture. (1 paragraph)
Works Cited page required -  MLA 8 format.

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