Monday, June 25, 2018

June 26, 27, 28

June 26
1.  Warm up:  Language
Commedia companies toured outside of Italy, to France and Spain, and so Gromalot evolved, a nonsensical babble speak that carried the truthful emotional intention of a character. This language meant that audiences were able to understand the action on the stage and enabled commedia dell'arte to become an international type of theatre.

2.  Finish stock character worksheet

June 27 
Who's Who? Using your stock character worksheet, determine which stock character the characters in this Modern Family episode represent.

Modern Family - episode

June 28


Now it's your turn:  Try it yourself:  Two-Person, Two-Minute Improv

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 19, 20, 21

Glossary of words relating to Commedia dell' Arte

Battachio - the wooden bat that Arlecchino used. When it was struck it produced a slap sound.
En travesti - cross dressing of the opposite gender.
Improvisation - creating dialogue and action in the moment.
Innamorati - the young lovers of a scenario.
Intermezzo - short performances of dancing, juggling, skits, songs, etc
Irony - elements of the plot or characterisation that were known to the audience but not the characters on stage.
Lazzi - comedic performances typical to each character that can be inserted in any moment of the play.
Mask - half masks were used by the actors, and were usually made of hardened leather. They were shaped to associate with a certain character and they had exaggerated features such as long noses or wrinkles. Characters were also often referred to by the mask they wore.
Montimbanchi - a person who would get on a stage and try and gather a crowd to watch a show.
Parti ridicole - the ridiculous characters in Commedia dell' Arte
Prima donna - the highest rated innamorata in the production.
Scenario - brief outlines of the plot and the scenes.
Servetta - the confident and witty female servants.
Vecchi - the old men who have control over the lives of the others.
Zanni - the male servants.

June 19 
Research - Take notes. Upload the question and answer to the padlet.

June 20
Football game

June 21
Stock Characters - Worksheet

Thursday, June 14, 2018

June 13

Commedia Dell'Arte

1.  What is comedy? What makes something funny? There are no rules as comedy is subjective.

During this term you will begin your journey to explore comedy as an art form and, hopefully, laugh all along the way.

2.  What is Commedia dell'Arte?

3.  Let's begin  . . .  Worksheet 1
This worksheet is located above in "Pages".  It is entitled "Worksheet 1".
*You need to include a "Works Cited" page with your final research. 

4.  Before you go, let's take a look at this . . .

Monday, June 11, 2018

June 11, 12, 13

Image result for commentary

June 11, 12 - Criterion D:  Reflective Commentary
For this unit on Storytelling:
Statement of inquiry is:  Personal and cultural expression is expressed through stories.
Global Context is: Personal and cultural expression (artistry, craft, creation, beauty)

1.  Write a paragraph detailing how your research and the warm-ups  influenced your final performance.  Be specific, include details.

2.  Write a strong paragraph on the following topic.  Explain your point of view, include examples to support your ideas. (D strand i)

Considering all the stories you read and told this term, are stories always related to a particular culture  or  are the themes of stories always universal   or  are the themes of stories sometimes universal?

  3. Write a strong paragraph on the following topic.  Explain your point of view, include examples to support your ideas. (D  strand ii)

How do you think your performance and choice of story impacted (or influenced) your classmates?

4. Write a paragraph on the following topic: Explain, include details. (D  strand iii)

How did your feedback help your classmates?  (Write some sentences in general terms, then think about 1 specific student and explain in detail how your feedback could help him/her. Write about how the feedback you received from your classmates, your self-evaluation, and teacher can help you in future performances.)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 5, 6, 7 (Oeiras Holiday)

Image result for a story in 50 words

June 5, 6
Finish Presentations

June 7 - Oeiras Holiday - no school