Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 29, 30, 31 (national holiday), June 5

Image result for storytelling

May 29, 30
Story Presentations

May 31 - national holiday

June 5
Story Presentations

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 23, 24, 25

Image result for statement of artistic intent

May 23
3.  a.  Research and choose a story that you will retell in class for you Criterion B Assessment
     b.  What is the moral or theme for that story?
     c.  Why did you choose that story?  What was your inspiration?
     d.  What do you want the Year 8s to learn from this story?

May 24
Statement of Artistic Intention - Criterion C  Assessment  (in-class writing assessment)

Follow the template to write a Statement of Artistic Intention

Paragraph 1:  What are  you doing?  (purpose) This paragraph includes:
-what topic you are studying this term in Drama
-small background about storytelling
-what your task is

Paragraph 2:  Why are you doing this?  (message and inspiration)
-name and brief plotline/storyline of your story
-theme or moral of your story
-what stories did you look at before you chose this one
-why did you choose this story (inspiration)
-what do you want the other Year 8s to learn from your story

Paragraph 3:  How are you going to achieve this (production and performance elements)
-how will you bring your story to life?  (include costume, props, and acting techniques that you will use)
-what challenges do you think you will face when telling your story in front of the class?  (minimum 3)
-How will you overcome these challenges?

May 25 
Performance Rehearsal

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 16 17

Image result for aesops fables
May 15
Read and analyze 3 stories. Use the Worksheet to guide you.

Aesop's fables

May 16

May 17 
1.  Warm-up:  Emotional Fruit Salad - high energy game that works on expressing extreme emotions

Write reflection:
a. name of exercise
b. purpose
c. what you learned doing this activity
d. how this will help you with your acting

2.   Recap,+stories,+art,+movies+etc%E2%80%A6+The+theme+of+a+fable+is+its+moral..jpg

Some of the Most Common Themes in Literature (keywords for more research on this topic:  Common Themes in Literature)
  • Crime Doesn't Pay.
  • Own Worst Enemy.
  • Coming of Age.
  • Overcoming the Odds.
  • Love conquers all.
  • Humanity vs. nature.
  • The individual vs. society.
  • Good vs. evil.
3.  a.  Research and choose a story that you will retell in class for you Criterion B Assessment
     b.  What is the moral or theme for that story?
     c.  Why did you choose that story?  What was your inspiration?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8, 9, 10

Related image
Paperwork, printing

May 9

Word association firing line -  great for loosening people up, getting them used to being spontaneous, in the moment and focusing on listening and responding without censoring themselves.

A Legend:  Three Sisters (
 1)  Read
 2) Answers the questions
 3) Discuss

May 10

1.  Fable - What is a fable?  It is a literary genre. It is a short story that teaches a moral lesson.
The most famous fables are from Aesop. According to Wikipedia, "Aesop ( c. 620 – 564 BCE) was a Greek fabulist and story teller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. Although his existence remains unclear and no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day. Many of the tales are characterized by animals and inanimate objects that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics."

2. Let's try one: The tortoise and the  hare, an Aesop Fable

Aespo's fables can be found here:

3. Find a story (research) that you like online and  read it aloud to yourself.  
Evaluate your stories once more for tellability and learnability as they read aloud, as this will be a different experience than reading it in your head and assessing it. Keep in mind the specifics of tellability and learnability. 

4. Read and analyze 3 stories. Use the Worksheet to guide you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 1, 2, 3

Image result for MYP criterion A Arts 

May 1 - National Holiday, no class

May 2, 3
1.  Open a Word document
2.  Type your name at the top left
3.  Title the document   Storytelling   Criterion A - Knowing and Understanding 

4.  Conduct the following research:
     1.  What is storytelling?  (Write 3-4 sentences using your own words)
  Storytelling in different cultures (various European, African, North American, Middle American, South American, Asian and Australian cultures.  Could include Japan, Russia, Native American, Middle East, etc.)
          2.  Research storytelling in your culture and give a brief introduction in your own words.
          3.  Research and choose 1 story from your culture.  Write the name of the story and give a brief summary. Look for myths and legends in your culture. (1 paragraph)
           4.  Research storytelling in another culture and give a brief introduction in your own words.
           5. Research and choose 1 story from another culture. Write the name of the story and give a brief summary.  Look for myths and legends in that culture. (1 paragraph)
           6. Critically analyze (compare AND contrast) these 2 stories  (How are they the same?  How are they different?  Look at content,  structure,  language, purpose, and anything else you think is notable).  Complete a Venn Diagram:
           7.  What was the importance of story-telling in history? Explain, include details.
           8.   How have the stories told in the past influenced the present?  Explain, include details.
           9.  How will this research help you prepare your performance?  Explain, include details
Works Cited page required -  MLA 8 format

Remember, you will need a Works Cited page.  The Works Cited page is always the last page of your document.  Here is a website that will help you create the page properly:  Citation Machine -