March 20
1. Warm-up Exaggeration Circle - good warm-up to work on taking something small and heightening it.
2. Write Criterion B reflection.
Name of warm-up
Purpose of warm-up
What did you learn?
How can this help you?
3. Guidelines for Storytellers - Explanation and Discussion
March 21 1. Irish story telling and Irish story tellers:
Muireann Murphy -
2. Discuss
What are some of your favourite stories? Why do you like them so much? Can you identify any features of the stories that make them so enjoyable or memorable?
3. Research and choose a story that you would like to tell to the class
March 22
1. Warm-up - Breathing Relaxation Technique
Breathing exercise to help you learn to relax before performing
2. Warm-up reflection
Name of warm-up
Purpose of warm-up
What did you learn?
How can this help you?
3. Prepare your performance